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2024Koenig, Charles W. and Victoria C. Pagano. (2024). Deep in the "Hearth": Understanding and Recording Earth Ovens and Burned Rock Middens in Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 95:103-126.
Koenig, Charles W., Stephen L. Black, Charles D. Frederick, Eva Panagiotakopulu (2024). Low Impact, High Resolution: Unraveling and Learning from 10,000 years of Hunter-Gatherer Use of Eagle Cave. Journal of Texas Archeology and History Special Volume #6 – The Archaeology of Eagle Nest Canyon, Texas: Papers in Honor of Jack and Wilmuth Skiles, edited by Stephen L. Black, J. David Kilby, and Amanda Castañeda, pp. 51-88. Ringstaff, Christopher W., J. David Kilby, and Charles W. Koenig (2024). Understanding Technological Organization Through Chipped-Stone Flaking Debris: Debitage Analysis of a Folsom-age Component at Eagle Cave, Val Verde County, Texas. Journal of Texas Archeology and History Special Volume #6 – The Archaeology of Eagle Nest Canyon, Texas: Papers in Honor of Jack and Wilmuth Skiles, edited by Stephen L. Black, J. David Kilby, and Amanda Castañeda, pp. 107-119. Black, Stephen L., Charles W. Koenig, and Amanda M. Castañeda (2024). Restoration Efforts at Eagle Cave and Bonfire Shelter. Journal of Texas Archeology and History Special Volume #6 – The Archaeology of Eagle Nest Canyon, Texas: Papers in Honor of Jack and Wilmuth Skiles, edited by Stephen L. Black, J. David Kilby, and Amanda Castañeda, pp. 139-154. Koenig, Charles W., Amanda M. Castañeda, and Charles D. Frederick (2024). 2014-2015 ASWT Investigations at Horse Trail Shelter (41VV166). Journal of Texas Archeology and History Special Volume #6 – The Archaeology of Eagle Nest Canyon, Texas: Papers in Honor of Jack and Wilmuth Skiles, edited by Stephen L. Black, J. David Kilby, and Amanda Castañeda, pp. 301-313. Lindsay, Audrey, Timothy Murphy, IV, Karen L. Steelman, Carolyn E. Boyd, Victoria L. Roberts, Amanda M. Castañeda, Charles W. Koenig, Jerod L. Roberts, and J. Phil Dering (2024). The Skiles Family and Rock Art Research in the Lower Pecos Canyonlands. Journal of Texas Archeology and History Special Volume #6 – The Archaeology of Eagle Nest Canyon, Texas: Papers in Honor of Jack and Wilmuth Skiles, edited by Stephen L. Black, J. David Kilby, and Amanda Castañeda, pp. 349-369. Castañeda, Amanda M., Charles W. Koenig, Victoria L. Roberts, Jerod L. Roberts, Carolyn E. Boyd, J. Phil Dering, and Karen L. Steelman (2024). Looking Inward, Outward, and Forward: The Rock Art of Eagle Nest Canyon in a Regional Context. Journal of Texas Archeology and History Special Volume #6 – The Archaeology of Eagle Nest Canyon, Texas: Papers in Honor of Jack and Wilmuth Skiles, edited by Stephen L. Black, J. David Kilby, and Amanda Castañeda, pp. 371-390. Black, Stephen L., J. David Kilby, and Charles W. Koenig (2024). Eagle Nest Canyon ASWT Data: Ongoing and Future Research. Journal of Texas Archeology and History Special Volume #6 – The Archaeology of Eagle Nest Canyon, Texas: Papers in Honor of Jack and Wilmuth Skiles, edited by Stephen L. Black, J. David Kilby, and Amanda Castañeda, pp. 469-483. 2023Koenig, Charles W. (2023). The Record of Early Holocene Earth Oven Cooking in Texas and Wyoming and Implications for Subsistence Intensification, Technological Change, and Return Rates. PhD Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Wyoming, Laramie.
ttps:// Clark, Julianne M., Charles W. Koenig, Sarah A. Allaun, and Todd A. Surovell (2023). A Newly Identified Ceramic Site in Carbon County, Wyoming. The Wyoming Archaeologist 66(1):9-18.
Koenig, Charles W., Amanda M. Castañeda, McKenna Litynski, Todd A. Surovell, and Sarah A. Allaun (2023). The DeBarard Earth Oven: Hot Rock Cooking in the Laramie Basin. The Wyoming Archaeologist 65(2):40-56.
Koenig, Charles W., and Myles R. Miller (2023). Earth Ovens and Desert Lifeways: 10,000 Years of Indigenous Cooking in the Arid Landscapes of North America. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. Book Reviews: Carney, Molly (2024). Journal of Anthropological Research. Homsey-Messer, Lara (2024). California Archaeology. Montgomery, John (2024). KIVA. 2022Pelton, Spencer R., Lorena Becerra-Valdivia, Alexander Craib, Sarah Allaun, Chase Mahan, Charles Koenig, Erin Kelly, George Zeimens, and George C. Frison (2022). In situ evidence for Paleoindian hematite quarrying at the Powars II site (48PL330), Wyoming, USA. PNAS 119(20):e2201005119. Koenig, Charles W., J. David Kilby, Christopher J. Jurgens, Lorena Becerra-Valdivia, Christopher W. Ringstaff, J. Kevin Hanselka, Leslie L. Bush, Charles D. Frederick, Stephen L. Black, Amanda M. Castañeda, Ken L. Lawrence, Madeline E. Mackie, and Jim I. Mead (2022). A Newly Identified Younger Dryas Component from Eagle Cave, Texas. American Antiquity. 87(2):377-388. 2021Koenig, Charles W., Amanda M. Castañeda, Marieka Arksey, and Chad E. Hutchens (2021). Digital Reconstruction and Preliminary Rock Art Inventory of the Greybull South Stie, Wyoming. American Indian Rock Art, Volume 47, edited by David A. Kaiser, Mavis Greer, and James D. Keyser, pp. 209-220. American Rock Art Research Association 47. San Jose, California.
Steelman, Karen L., Jessica L. DeYoung, Charles D. Frederick, Charles W. Koenig, and Carolyn E. Boyd (2021). Geochemical Analyses at Eagle Cave, TX: Radiocarbon Dating Oxalate Accretions Associated with Rock Paintings. American Indian Rock Art, Volume 47, edited by David A. Kaiser, Mavis Greer, and James D. Keyser, pp. 227-240. American Rock Art Research Association 47. San Jose, California.
Mead, Jim I., Charles W. Koenig, Stephen L. Black, and Christopher J. Jurgens (2021) Late Pleistocene Bighorn Sheep Dung from Eagle Cave, Lower Pecos River, Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 65(2):152-160. 2020Steelman, Karen L., Charles W. Koenig, Amanda M. Castañeda, Jerod L. Roberts, and Victoria L. Roberts (2020) Portable XRF Elemental Analyses at the Meyers Springs Pictograph Site. American Indian Rock Art, Volume 46, edited by Richard A Rogers, Evelyn Billo, and Robert Mark, pp. 65-78. American Rock Art Research Association 46. San Jose, California.
2019Koenig, Charles W., and Stephen L. Black (2019) Plant Baking and Hunter-Gatherer Mobility in the Lower Pecos Canyonlands of Southwest Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 90:123-150.
Castañeda, Amanda M., Charles W. Koenig, Jerod L. Roberts, Victoria L. Roberts, Jay D. Franklin, Carolyn E. Boyd, and Karen L. Steelman (2019) Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Red Linear Style Figures at 41VV1000. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 90:19-34.
Castañeda, Amanda M., Charles W. Koenig, Karen L. Steelman, and Marvin W. Rowe (2019) Portable X-ray fluorescence of Lower Pecos painted pebbles: New insights regarding pigment choice and chronology. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25(2019):56-71. Koenig, Charles W., Amanda M. Castañeda, Victoria L. Roberts, Jerod L. Roberts, Carolyn E. Boyd, and Karen L. Steelman (2019). Around the Lower Pecos in 1,095 Days: The Alexandria Project. American Indian Rock Art, Volume 45, edited by Ken Hedges and Anne McConnel, pp. 147-160. American Rock Art Research Association 45. San Jose, California.
2017Koenig, Charles W., Mark D. Willis, and Stephen L. Black (2017). Beyond the Square Hole: Application of Structure from Motion Photogrammetry to Archaeological Excavation. Advances in Archaeological Practice 5(1):54-70. Gershtein, Eli Crater, Mark D. Willis, Stephen L. Black, Amanda M. Castaneda, Tammy Buonasera, Charles W. Koenig, Julie Shipp, and Dani Nadel
(2017) High-resolution mapping and analysis of shiny grooved rock surfaces: The case study of the Skiles Shelter, Lower Pecos, Texas. Quaternary International 439b:69-82. 2016Willis, Mark D., Charles W. Koenig, Stephen L. Black, and Amanda M. Castañeda (2016). Archaeological 3D Mapping: The Structure from Motion Revolution. Journal of Texas Archaeology and History 3:1-36. 2015Boyd, Carolyn E., Amanda M. Castañeda, and Charles W. Koenig (2015). Response to Comments by Harrison. American Antiquity 80(1):204-205. 2014Koenig, Charles W., Amanda M. Castañeda, Carolyn E. Boyd, Marvin W. Rowe, and Karen L. Steelman (2014) Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Pictographs: A Case Study from the Lower Pecos Canyonlands, Texas. Archaeometry 56:168-186. 2013Boyd, Carolyn E., Amanda M. Castañeda, and Charles W. Koenig (2013) A Reassessment of Red Linear Pictographs in the Lower Pecos Canyonlands of Texas. American Antiquity 78(3): 456-482. 2012Koenig, Charles W. (2012) Burned Rock Middens, Settlement Patterns, and Bias in the Lower Pecos Canyonlands of Texas. Master’s Thesis, Department of Anthropology, Texas State University, San Marcos. |