Greybull South (48BH92) is a large rock art site located in Wyoming's Big Horn Basin. In 1962 at least 10 rock art "blocks" were removed from the site and transported to what is now the Buffalo Bill Center of the West (BBCW). In the intervening years limited rock art research has occurred involving either the rock art fragments or the remaining in situ petroglyphs from Greybull South.). In 2017 the University of Wyoming Archaeological Repository under the direction of the Office of the Wyoming State Archaeologist partnered with the Draper Natural History Museum (BBCW), the Plains Indian Museum (BBCW), the University of Wyoming Libraries, and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to begin digital documentation of the 48BH92 blocks. In 2019, I used Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry to document the blocks to create a digital reconstruction and subsequent 3D print of a small panel. This 3D modeling project, and preliminary inventory of the rock imagery present at Greybull South, is described in a recently published paper and the 3D models are available here.
During the summer of 2022, in a partnership between the University of Wyoming, Sacred Sites Research, and the Crow, Eastern Shoshone, and Northern Arapaho tribes we returned to Greybull South to conduct a formal recording of the extant imagery. Amanda Castañeda and I received a Fund for Wyoming Archaeology grant to support the during the 4-day recording project.